
Showing posts from 2018


Soilder fight Failure                            NEFFEX NEFFEX. Is a copyright free music artist and my personal favorite musical artist for the way most of his songs are about the struggle of him being an artist to wit h I relate to from some of the same conflict with my dad about me being an artist in how he always wanted me to change this or that but I liked it how it was NEFFEX is mostly about trying to break free from what people think about you and your art and making it how you feel it should be and is an inspiration to me for when I do my art to keep me motivated and for me to keep pushing forward with my art no matter what others may say NEFFEX himself has had struggles with his family about him being an artist witch is what failure is about as well as soilder is about toughing through the people who would wish to see you fail and fight back is ...

hand modeling

 I've looked into some hand modeling tutorials and other references over he week and found some reappearing themes of using the loop cut and slide to create figures and help modeling the hand witch i will use when modeling mine but also feel this may help when modeling feet for being able to individually crate the toes to make sure they say separate is nice my next goal after i finish the character model is to then try and go somewhere either ill start looking into how to texture map or try and prepare it for print to get a base model printed i will most likely use this character model as a base model for the rest of the year in  hopes it will reduce the time to make multiple humanoid creatures like goblins vendalken and etc. after i finish this i want to move on to non humanoid such as a mass of slimy tenticals or a animal like  bear or rat something to expand the bounds further beyond a simple human model. im also planing on leaning physics in blender that way i c...

Red dead redemption 2

Monday: sculpting experiments Tuseday: the birth of Roberto Wensday: Roberto's head Thursday: Roberto's neck Friday: Roberto's torso and arms                 RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 I'd give this game 4.5 out of 5 This game in a modeling aspect is very well made the physics work well and the animation and rendering are out of this world. But in a hind sight the game has some minor bugs such as: 1. You can accidentally fly off your horse easily 2. You can get your horse stuck in the butcher shop 3. It's possible to skip the skinning animation by parking your horse over the dead animal This game story wise is well written and fleshed out building off the events of the 1st read dead redemption that took place in blackwater. Based in the wild west this is an outlaws country that you can have honor or not and depending on witch path you chose you will be rewarded if your bad you get special reward such as ...

Sliping filiment

Monday : organic model experiments Tuesday: organic modeling experiment Wensday:printing on craft bot Thursday: printing on craft bot Friday: fliment slip                          slipping filiment The slipping of filiment off the spool can be caused by many factors improper care , the filiment being loaded on to the spool wrong, and the qaulity of filiment it's self. Sorce1: makerbot -5 Sorce2 1. Entaglement. the end of spool slips under another line of filiment. Solution: untangle and make sure the end stays clipped in also rewind and rework the filament 2. Climate. Mostuire: playing fliment is seseptibel to mostuire but isn't visabley noticeable just drys out. Heat: most filaments need to be stored under 120 degrees Fahrenheit or else things get bad 3.friction. (most likl...

Organic modeling

,Monday:sick Tuesday: worked on door hinges Wensday looked at door hinges references started some in depth Modeling on door hinges Thursday: thought the middle part of door hinges was cool making it a base model wand instead Friday: finished setting up wand in simplifery and sanded some rings                          Org anic mod eling 1. What's the difference between hard surface modeling and organic modeling? Hard surface modeling is anything machine or man made as well as still and inanimate objects vs. organic modeling witch you must consider how ever tree may be a different size and every person not the same focus more on variety vs unity but some inanimate objects still do have organic qaulitys such as a couch sinking in when being sat in making it more interactive. 2. Important skills or features in organic modeling. Subsurface modifyer's, Volume, size...


Monday presentations tusedays presentations Wensday sanding Thursday sanding Friday sanding Review one : Keaton Zang Hoeny: I found Keaton's work interesting in how he used his modeling and programing abilities Worked smoothly together and his ability to make things flow so organically is interesting as well Hatchet: one thing that I see is the characters he makes aren't going super deatialed but I can see why he'd skip over it. Review 2: mark le Hoeny: his ability to only make something in one shot was interesting and I like that he was up for the challenge the unboxing video was excellent and I found it to be very entertaining. Hatchet: one thing I did find though was the audio quality was on the poor side and I heard some slight echoes Review 3: David Smith Honey: his work was well and even though this was his first time doing something like this the teqchniqes were well put together. Hatchet: the shadows were slightly out of proportion and some smaller asp...

mp 1

Monday: worked on ring Tuesday: work on blog post Wednesday: fixed ring worked on post Thursday: working on rings and sizing different ones friday: finished possssssttttttttttt yayyyyy! Marking period 1  The ring:  the ring is my most recent project this ties in to my focus of fantasy because i find a lot of rings in fantasy   this  was probably  made popular  from the lord of the rings serious i fist want to practice  making sizes of them then ill stretch  a plane to allow to engrave on them. i learned from my first print of this project that i need to watch seizing  more because even though i entered the right amount i think it may have been in centimeters on accident. this will hopefully  be a success  next marking period. The Nordic alphabet:  This project was done for convince i like Nordic runes and symbols a lot so when creating they tend too pop into my head a lot so i thought if i made them then when i wan...


Day 1: worked on original degin of fang and struggled also finished alphabet Day 2 looked at reference photos for fang finished fang started chain Day 3 worked on chain and tried to print it Day 4 worked on printing chain more Day 5 printing didn't work to small needs to be thicker This week I first worked on finishing the alphabet and that took like 5 minits then I looked at fangs I found that trying to make one from memory hard and when I looked at snake fangs online they didn't help either I ended up looking at a bunch of different fangs till I got a basic desgin of of them I took a cylender and shaped it to a fang shape after trying for awhile with a circal and beziee curve I found the cylender easier then the beziee curve with the circal . I then tried to model and print a chain modeling went well but I found when I printed it it's a good size but the individual pieces need to be thicker in order to actually support and not break right away. On Friday I manage to ...

the nordic alphabet

monday: printed die Tuesday: collected back round image and started to work on Nordic alphabet A-e started recording Wednesday: helped shrink wrap then got  through I and some additional second recording Thursday: almost done only 2 or 3 more  the chart to the left is what I used for the model's templates this project will slowly become bigger. In addition to this, it also explatoins the meaning of each symbol by knowing this I can form old spells or what they would believe would engrave magic energy the final product I will be working toward will be bracelet beads with engraved runes for protection as well as some dice engraved with these runes and many other things. So by already having them created, I can benefit and maintain focus on my models the engraving of them will be simpiler because the models for cutting will already be done. My inspirations for this project were the runes from Skyrim and other fantasy games al...

The dice

Monday: got the body shape of dice down Tusday: learned how to knife project Wensday: engraved 20 through 18 Thursday: 17 through 9 Friday: 8 through 1 and prepared to get it to print Idea: the idea behind this project comes from my hobby of playing D and D as well as magic the gathering both magically and fantsy games that require 20 sided dice these games I've loved since 6th grade and I thought it'd be nice to be Abel to print my own 20 sided dice instead of by them Inspiration: my inspiration for this piece was a normal 20 sided spindown die witch unlike a regular 20 sided die counts down with the 19 next to the 20 then 18 next to 19 and so on. As mentioned in my previous paragraph I drew inspiration fromagic the gathering dice magic the gathering is a trading card game created by wizards of the coast. Another insperation is a normal 20 sided die witch is commonly acoticed with the popular table top rpg ( role playing game) Dungeons and Dragons also known as D ...


Monday : bow work Tuseday: textered bow Wensday camera work and took picture Thursday was going to try an animation gave up Friday: watched the film with the junior class Pokemon First realsed in Japan in 1996 February 27 this game was made for the game you the first two games being red and blue version in America red and green in japan this is now known as gen 1 is the pokmon franchise aka generation 1 every generation is diecided when a new region is realesed following these games is gen 2 the johto region this itroduced new Pokemon and new legendarys this also introdused the unknown witch have become some of the biggest parts of Pokemon lore then as a final example of this gen 3 being released (In my opinion best gen ever Owo) is Pokemon Ruby Sapphire and emarled along with fire red and leaf green the reason as stated earlyier that leaf green and fire red aren't there own generation is because they don't bring in a new region to Pokemon Fun facts: even though bulbasur...

Modeling to the Future

Monday :bowstring Tuseday: bow body Wensday :bow string Thursday: bow string/ arrow Friday: arrow Modeling to the Future Intro: I know giveing a broad title to this post is wired but I've diecied to do this post on something's I'd like to discuss knowing most of the people who will probly read this I'd like to explain how I got were I am and we're i plane on going after being explained by my instructor on how he wanted this post composed I thought about what to make it about and realized I've never even mention to be here yet I love it . Modeling: I came into that class thinking nothing of it I thought it has to do with computers ill finally learn how to type it'll be great every one gets on me for typing so now I won't have to worry but I was wrong while it did improve my typing speed I didn't know it was an art class at all but I Sayed I'd give it a try never being good at art or I was discouraged from trying bc I'd always compare ...

Creative meditation and crystals

Monday grabbed reference image Tuseday started to craft and model bow Wensday scraped bow to low poly Thursday learned beveling invintly extruds Friday started to finish modeling bow Creative meditation Lately I've picked up meditating to clear my mind and help me be more creative with my ideas this helps me think clearly on what I want to make how I want to make it and how I want it to look when i am done I use music that is supposed to relax the mind and help explore the imagination. While listening to this music I lay down in a courps potion and clear my mind try and relax and focus all my energy on my creation. This mediation really helps with a lot of different things and I would highly suggest it to anyone who struggels to try and connect with the imagination. It's also suggested to use stones to recharge energies and chakras in your body that help improve imagination as well as your mental stability. These stones are usely of a lavender color such as spirit qaurzt ...

Themes in conspectal art

monday:fist day back!! tuseday: unboxed and put together 3D printer wensday: worked on modeles and polished up thursday: worked on printing my ring friday: worked on printing even more  For the themeatic ideas that intreast me the most it's fanstsy and this is a bit of a twist from last year's themes I chose being relgion and art in technology but after reflecting on my work last year I found my self dissatifed and a little disgusted. This is because I saw either I was relaying to much on the regiouse symbol I chose adding no creativity or imagination at all to it or stretching to far to make it something it wasn't. I also felt I had a lack of imagination and creativity to my work this felt so unorginal so I want to set out to myself alittle more even though I live to make art I draw insperation from other not myself I take alittle bit of this person idea some of theirs and another random person through it to get her and call it mine so I've diecied to...

cleaning a 3d printer nozzel

monday : 3d printer work tuseday 3d printer work wensday: 3d printer work Thursday 3d printer work/ prepare to print Friday prepair to print Cleaning the nozzel today i will explain two ways to clean a 3d printer nozzel and leave a link on were i found my information at the bottom. 1: copper brush copper brushed used on the out side of the nozzel scrud the nozzel this should get ride of out side dirt as well as anything at the tip of the nozzel possibly causing a clog. 2: acotone soaking soak the nozzel in acotone for 15 minits then whipe it off with a clean whipe this methode will destory dirt on the inside and out side of the nozzzel bu reqiurs removing the nozzel itsself.

Skoll and Hati

This week Monday: printing Tuseday printing wensday Printing Thursday printing friday printing Skoll and Hati Skoll (meaning The one who mocks) and Hati (meaning The one who hates) are two wolves in norse mythology that both chase the sun and moon altho witch one chases witch is highly unclear they are the sons of finir the arch-wolf and are discribed being one black and one white it is siad when ragnorok begins they shall catch there prey plunging midgard(earth) in to eternal darkness.


All week : presentations review The presentations this marking period i feel help me a lot when it came to figuring out how i should put together my big project next year ill have to learn how to use the effects don used on his videos in blender as well as rigging and no copyright music Ive already learned sound. Another interesting presentation was Jessy's it showed a lot of creativity and i strive to show creativity but sometimes I'm still lacking i need to hone my creativity and become more focused. Next in Andrews presentation it took hard work and he did that by himself i will be doing something like that by my self next year but my goal is to make it a minit long or longer this will be an intro sequence into an anime series i just made up in my mind. In conclusion the presentations were very helpful and i will utilize all the information i got over the summer ,through out this year, and the next.


All week : Presentations                                                          WATER  i did a little looking into on the property's of water because I'm starting to build elemental weapons interesting thing about water is pure water is actually deadly to drink . water is free to flow and can take many forms witch is why when i start my animation series i may make water the main charters attribute. this is tricky finding the correct weapon to represent such a thing is trifling to say the least but i know i will  be making a windmill shuriken to represent wind witch is basically a giant ninja star.


Marking period 3 This marking period i treied alot of diffrent things and lerned i need to re learn some things. One of these things are hard surface modeling if i ever wish to make the animations i wish to make i need to be abel to make weapons and such. One of the many challenges i have over come this marking period was fixing my Ptah staff from last marking period. This was fixed when i found a wierd second layer on the inside of the staff after deleting this it was fixed. something new that i learned was that paying close attion to verticys is important along with bezier curves are almost always useful. i learned to watch my vertices from my patah staff and the bezier from the multipel charms i made this marking period (all work will be displayed below). something im trying to relearn right now is hard serface modeling this will help me make better weapons and make things  run smother next year when i start to animate. ive also started work on a character model and a lit...


worklog Monday:Idea searching Tuesday:Sick Wensday cookie animation Thursday cookie animation friday Cookie animation Demonology part 1 The first demon protruded from the man born from the holy wachter and the women of men they extured from this osperings soul never rest they never eat nor drink yet always thirst and hungar for havaoc and chaos. they reap sorrow and cause mischief and shall be smighted by the holy watcher these are demons. this demonolgy view is the christain view on demonology witch are born from nephlim the ofspring of a human and angel they are also larger then an avarge human example of one in the bibel would be golith in the bibel story david and golith when nephlim souls turn twisted and evil this is a demon.


Worklog monday: stared a new charm silver sign Tuseday: countinued work on the silver charm Wensday finishing touches on silver charm Thursday finally finish silver charm Friday pep ralley Baal Baal is the demon over lord of the east from demonology also know as the king of hell and or the the First king of hell. Baal was widely feared and was said to rule over 85 different legions of demons. rides a war horse and he is dipicted in  girmoires. he is offen dipected with many heads or legs and a crown.


Monday: worked on molly charm Tuesday : Charm work  beziea Wednesday : extruded charm Thursday: worked on more tracing Friday :  worked on charm Ziminiar Ziminiar is the 4 demon lord of the north in demonology and is in control of king Solomon's 72 demons. The other Three demon kings are Amaymon (east) Corson (West), and Gaap (South).

Water Draug

worklog Monday work with riely on video recording Tuseday adiuo with Michelle/ video with riely Wensday :worked on horns Thursday : worked on video riely Friday :Fluer die lis Water draug the water draug are commonly found in or near water and are classified under the undead kids are warned not to go near water as for the water draug would drown them or any loving thing near it. the water draug are very angry by nature and prefer killing kids over adults from jealousy that kids have a life ahead of them.


work log Monday: audio editing Tuesday: audio editing wensday :audio editing Thursday: audio editing Friday audio editing Alchemy Alchemy originated in Egypt and then spread first used to prolong life later belief founded on a stone called the philosophers stone this stone is believed to make ordinary metals to gold or grant immortality witch is the reason for the Chinese name pill of immortality. Alchemy has lead to some scientific discoveries in the chemistry field and was basically summed up is an early form of chemistry.