Themes in conspectal art

monday:fist day back!!
tuseday: unboxed and put together 3D printer
wensday: worked on modeles and polished up
thursday: worked on printing my ring
friday: worked on printing even more 

For the themeatic ideas that intreast me the most it's fanstsy and this is a bit of a twist from last year's themes I chose being relgion and art in technology but after reflecting on my work last year I found my self dissatifed and a little disgusted. This is because I saw either I was relaying to much on the regiouse symbol I chose adding no creativity or imagination at all to it or stretching to far to make it something it wasn't. I also felt I had a lack of imagination and creativity to my work this felt so unorginal so I want to set out to myself alittle more even though I live to make art I draw insperation from other not myself I take alittle bit of this person idea some of theirs and another random person through it to get her and call it mine so I've diecied to stop. This is why I chose fantsy and invention I will come up with this all on my own I will invent and fantasies my own art. Another reason I chose this theme was because the renissance feeling I'm a big nerd when I comes to the Renaissance era and I go to the renissance fair every year with my family as a tradition when I go there I feel creative and the energy their is different I always think of my best designs there so why not make that my focus in art. These reason are why I'm choosing the theme fantasy and invention.
Image result for fantasy armorImage result for fantasy bow


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