cleaning a 3d printer nozzel

monday : 3d printer work
tuseday 3d printer work
wensday: 3d printer work
Thursday 3d printer work/ prepare to print
Friday prepair to print

Cleaning the nozzel

today i will explain two ways to clean a 3d printer nozzel and leave a link on were i found my information at the bottom.

1: copper brush

copper brushed used on the out side of the nozzel scrud the nozzel this should get ride of out side dirt as well as anything at the tip of the nozzel possibly causing a clog.

2: acotone soaking

soak the nozzel in acotone for 15 minits then whipe it off with a clean whipe this methode will destory dirt on the inside and out side of the nozzzel bu reqiurs removing the nozzel itsself.


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