The dice

Monday: got the body shape of dice down
Tusday: learned how to knife project
Wensday: engraved 20 through 18
Thursday: 17 through 9
Friday: 8 through 1 and prepared to get it to print

Idea: the idea behind this project comes from my hobby of playing D and D as well as magic the gathering both magically and fantsy games that require 20 sided dice these games I've loved since 6th grade and I thought it'd be nice to be Abel to print my own 20 sided dice instead of by them

Inspiration: my inspiration for this piece was a normal 20 sided spindown die witch unlike a regular 20 sided die counts down with the 19 next to the 20 then 18 next to 19 and so on. As mentioned in my previous paragraph I drew inspiration fromagic the gathering dice magic the gathering is a trading card game created by wizards of the coast. Another insperation is a normal 20 sided die witch is commonly acoticed with the popular table top rpg ( role playing game) Dungeons and Dragons also known as D and D also created by wizards of the cost.

Experimentation: I was experimenting with the knife project tool in blender in witch is a cookie cutter like approach to engraving first you select the dough (odject to be cut ) then you select the cutter(object doing the cutting) go into edit mode line up you sight with how you want it projected and then use knife project etrude it back alittle and you have engraved.

Resolving problems : the first problem I had was finding the right shape but I got lucky and found the isosphere that you can make into a doudecahedron (20 sided 3 dimensional shape). My next challenge was how to engrave the numbers but then I learned about the knife project tool and used that to engrave them. My final challenge is printing and having not tried to print it yet I can only hope that everything will go well once it's gone through simplifier 3D.


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