Creative meditation and crystals

Monday grabbed reference image
Tuseday started to craft and model bow
Wensday scraped bow to low poly
Thursday learned beveling invintly extruds
Friday started to finish modeling bow

Creative meditation
Lately I've picked up meditating to clear my mind and help me be more creative with my ideas this helps me think clearly on what I want to make how I want to make it and how I want it to look when i am done I use music that is supposed to relax the mind and help explore the imagination. While listening to this music I lay down in a courps potion and clear my mind try and relax and focus all my energy on my creation. This mediation really helps with a lot of different things and I would highly suggest it to anyone who struggels to try and connect with the imagination. It's also suggested to use stones to recharge energies and chakras in your body that help improve imagination as well as your mental stability. These stones are usely of a lavender color such as spirit qaurzt and to recharge then you should leave in the moon light over night this should be done once a week to keep the energy postive and keeps the energy in the stones from turning into neegtive energy.

Above is a video I suggest for music if u chose to do this enjoy.


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