Red dead redemption 2

Monday: sculpting experiments
Tuseday: the birth of Roberto
Wensday: Roberto's head
Thursday: Roberto's neck
Friday: Roberto's torso and arms
                RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2
I'd give this game 4.5 out of 5
This game in a modeling aspect is very well made the physics work well and the animation and rendering are out of this world. But in a hind sight the game has some minor bugs such as:
1. You can accidentally fly off your horse easily
2. You can get your horse stuck in the butcher shop
3. It's possible to skip the skinning animation by parking your horse over the dead animal
Image result for red dead redemption 2Image result for red dead redemption 2This game story wise is well written and fleshed out building off the events of the 1st read dead redemption that took place in blackwater. Based in the wild west this is an outlaws country that you can have honor or not and depending on witch path you chose you will be rewarded if your bad you get special reward such as you'll find more alcohol and cigarettes and gain access to different clothes as for when you are good shop keeps will give you discounts and you can gain access to another set of outfits. In conclusion Red Dead Redemption 2 is a decent game with some minor bugs but in the end it is amazing and gives a big experience to the feeling of emptiness while I still holding many secrets.


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