
Day 1: worked on original degin of fang and struggled also finished alphabet
Day 2 looked at reference photos for fang finished fang started chain
Day 3 worked on chain and tried to print it
Day 4 worked on printing chain more
Day 5 printing didn't work to small needs to be thicker

This week I first worked on finishing the alphabet and that took like 5 minits then I looked at fangs I found that trying to make one from memory hard and when I looked at snake fangs online they didn't help either I ended up looking at a bunch of different fangs till I got a basic desgin of of them I took a cylender and shaped it to a fang shape after trying for awhile with a circal and beziee curve I found the cylender easier then the beziee curve with the circal . I then tried to model and print a chain modeling went well but I found when I printed it it's a good size but the individual pieces need to be thicker in order to actually support and not break right away. On Friday I manage to do one thing this was engraveing the Nordic symbols for destruction and love finding this a nice touch to add I'm going to then have to learn how to put on a torus even though in past years I would have just used the Boolean modifyer I I was told theres a a better way to attach two objects for 3D printing I've been thinking about trying a sculpture again about a recurring nightmare I've had with a wall of eyes staring at me with night black decayed skin by this point it no longer bothers me but it's been there for awhile so I feel like making it would be nice I've always enjoyed creepy and dark but I digress the insperation for the fang is from my mind some nights I can't sleep so I think of random little things that could have magical property's as well as I've been thinking and may experiment with witch craft and try metaphysical witch craft and putting energy in it this comes from my new philosphy an open mind is a powerful one and you should never say you don't believe in something I've bought a basic witch craft book and will be reading it and studying it for information this week has in total been a success and I hope I can grow and start to learn to mass produce some of this before the end of the year hits me in the face.


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