
Monday: coins
Tuseday tribal
Wensday : more tirbal tracing
Thursday : tribal
Friday:  pep rally

I'm going to Shippensburg University for accounting in bissness I will be doing art as a side job to make money and hopefully get big but for now it looks like I'll be moving up the latter in the Rutter's chian and getting paid well there.
At Shippensburg they have a student and chef run cafitira you pay once to get in then it's all you can eat when chosing witch songs play they have a request list and there's never a full moment or bad food.
They have many types of rooms there class b through class e rooms class b is the cheapest and class e is the most expensive with it's own kitchan fridge 2 bed rooms a microwave and a living room and big bathroom class d takes away the fridge and microwave as well as down sizes class c Still has 2 bedroom s but looses the kitchen and again smaller
Finally class B is the cheapest with a very small living room a bed room and a bathroom but it's still liveable.
Facility:  when going to Shippensburg you have access to many great facility such as a student store full of supplies even text books needed for your classes a gym to work out art and computer labs and Tom's more there's almost nothing you can't do on campus
Shippensburg has a wide variety of clubs and if they don't have a club for it all ready they'll make one some clubs they already have are fenceing eqestrian , boxing, and more these clubs support all types of people and personally I will be trying for the fenceing club.


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