Finishing up

Monday: different coin bodies
Tuesday : different coin bodies
Wensday : different coin bodies
Thursday: 3d printer

As of lately I have been working on a project of coins witch coming up next week should finally be done so I've looked around for more things to do and next im thinking a dice set like a d4 ,d6 ,d8 and etc... These dice are commonly used in dungoen and dragons so there popularity is very high so I may print allot of these I also wanna go back to the old dice I made and fix the mistake I made on it were I accidentally put a number in the wrong place I noticed this after completing them so I want to fix that another idea I'ma looking into is modelig some cups to actually drink out of I feel this would be very cool and ik at least I would find it interesting. Other ideas I have are the joker's mask from persona 5 guild symbols for magic . And some D&D currency and possibly +1/+1 counter for magic as well.


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