
Showing posts from 2019

District arts plan

The Magus emporium will be the name I was gonna have walls but forced open air will be quicker set up and tear down as for color design I shall do a purple gold and a splash of down red possible blue these are for more regal and royal feelings something often associated with fantasy I my self shall be dressing in an appropriate costume and shall find it much entertainment to run this shop as my mind lives in a world of fantasy witch can be good and bad I plane on having a table to sit at and then just pillers with bowls to put my product in I feel this will be alot of fun for me but this is basically my whole plane.


Monday joker mask Tuesday joker mask Wednesday joker mask Thursday: dice Friday dice  MASK: mask have many historical and mythological meanings and lately I've been obsessed with mask i find ball room mask and such very appealing as they present a aura of mystery so id like to print one off and wear it at lest and after I'm done with that i will make more .  Definition of mask:a covering for all or part of the face, worn as a disguise, or to amuse or terrify other people.

summery reflection

Monday-Tuesday  : presentations Wensday: dice Thursday: more dice all the dice Friday:dice this that background imgaes and text dice David Davids work is focused and organized as well as he makes sure to keep his ideas realistic and on point he doesn't try for something he can't do his drawings are well made and he is devoted to his work. he has inspired me to try and be more committed to my work and trying to take time and organize my project's. David has been expanding his horizons and uses his time to learn anything he can about his new program his capability to learn and unwavering courage to ask questions i find to be a good role model for not being afraid to ask questions he teaches me no questions are stupid. Keaton Keaton is odiously one of the best in our class his consent up keep in the class room while being able to do a big project in a matter of days is outstanding he continues to inspire me to push harder and always offer support. his work is skill...

Mp3 blogpost

Dragonclawby by Blazelucky7 on Sketchfab Marking period 3 This marking period i actually tired on a model and made a dragon claw holding a eye ball but sadly i have no idea how to use sketch fad so t turned out like this but modeling this felt nice i plane on messing around with it and making different poses but pretty soon ill be needed to model my dice and counters then ill start to print tones of them and well boom sell them for a pretty penny i know people will appreciate them I'm also working on coins and soon will be working on printing on some letters for the Carlisle theater once i get a reference letter from them for measurement. Imagination i think my final place setting in the art themes is my imagination witch i wish i saw earlier this is from my love for magic D&D and how i use my imagination to overcome my insomnia and cope with day to day stress and anxiety being in my own mind space allows me to feel really free i feel stronger and mo...


Monday: base structure Tuseday':  started fingures Wensday; started palms Thursday: started to form around orb Friday : finished fingures Orgins of dragons The three clawed The three  clawed class of dragon is from japenses decent and is one of the first forms of the dragons in myths and is seen allot in there culture and religion The four clawed dragon As rumors of the Japanese dragon spread it reached Kora in witch they made a 4 clawed dragon to not be put done by the Japanese and in order to shown they two should be feared and are supior to the Japanese The 5 clawed dragon The 5 clawed dragon is of Chinese decent and is only used for the house of them emporer and is the most powerful dragon though of the imperal houses were not allowed to use 5 clawed dragons only the emporer was allowed this sacrad and powerful beast as his symbol.


Monday: coins Tuseday tribal Wensday : more tirbal tracing Thursday : tribal Friday:  pep rally        Shippensburg I'm going to Shippensburg University for accounting in bissness I will be doing art as a side job to make money and hopefully get big but for now it looks like I'll be moving up the latter in the Rutter's chian and getting paid well there. Food: At Shippensburg they have a student and chef run cafitira you pay once to get in then it's all you can eat when chosing witch songs play they have a request list and there's never a full moment or bad food. Board: They have many types of rooms there class b through class e rooms class b is the cheapest and class e is the most expensive with it's own kitchan fridge 2 bed rooms a microwave and a living room and big bathroom class d takes away the fridge and microwave as well as down sizes class c Still has 2 bedroom s but looses the kitchen and again smaller Finally class B is the cheapes...

Finishing up

Monday : different coin bodies Tuesday : different coin bodies Wensday : different coin bodies Thursday: 3d printer                        Coins As of lately I have been working on a project of coins witch coming up next week should finally be done so I've looked around for more things to do and next im thinking a dice set like a d4 ,d6 ,d8 and etc... These dice are commonly used in dungoen and dragons so there popularity is very high so I may print allot of these I also wanna go back to the old dice I made and fix the mistake I made on it were I accidentally put a number in the wrong place I noticed this after completing them so I want to fix that another idea I'ma looking into is modelig some cups to actually drink out of I feel this would be very cool and ik at least I would find it interesting. Other ideas I have are the joker's mask from persona 5 guild symbols for mag...

Tirbal art

monday: angel tribal Tuesday: angle tribal Wednesday: off Thursday: almost done Friday :done with tribal Tribal art This week im doing a study on tribal art because i want to make my own instead of grabbing it off the internet as well as doing costum designs i feel doing tribal will help me make more models in an interesting way ive been practicing some tribal drawing and looking at refrences so far ive made vines and a poorly made ax but i want to make it better and i want to try and keep working on this skill. Tribal examples: Tribal studies:  tribal arts orgins are found through out the world mostly before modern times in times of tribes and native Americans these tattoos were used to show witch tribe as well as what position or power you held in the tribe.

As of now

Monday: coins Tuseday':coins Wensday ; fix 3d printer Thursday: more coins Friday:coins                       As of now As of now im working on n a bunch of coins with different design on them to I have a list of ideas to work on and im trying to finish the character models. Im taking a break from the character model and working on a letter project for the Carlisle theater for there board and letters on it. So one out of at least 12 or 13 coins has been completed but through this project I learned one of my major strength is bezier Modeling and I'll probably stick around that from now on to focus and hone that skill more as well as 3d printing. im trying to find more interesting ways to use bezier models and will most likely end up doing a blog post on the different application of bezier modeling . In add ition ( a contin uation of this post) I am more focused on my coins a...


REVIEW FOR MP2 This marking periode there were lots of good work and in reviewing them i found lots of inspiration and had the idea of trying to catch my ideas before they left my head and i have an a list of about 10 - 12 items that i could make quickly efficiently and there awesome. One person who greatly inspired this was Gina and her ability to plane out as shown with her story board ive decied to try and keep my ideas in a list so that way i can try and keep them all in my head and not forget them. Another thing i pulled from these presentations from Vivian her butterfly animation although not completed to her image she finished it and was satifyed with her final result witch is something i need to learn because i feel i have grand visions with no caps but in the end those visions are the thing restricting me so im goign to try aand keep it simple. finally , the last person i learned from was mark i want to do more outside of school and try to set time aside for that but my sec...

Marking period 2

Monday-wensday: blog post work thursday:sword friday:character Marking period 2 Intention: this marking period is defiantly weird for me as i usually create multiple pieces in one marking period under going a character modeling is harder then i thought especially since i never really played around with it before trying to make this model. I'm thinking of augmenting him though combining my ability to model inorganic objects and attaching them to an organic model may be fun and it might be the face of me as an artist but i realized I'm going to pour a lot into this model and that this model is one of my major end goals for this year.  Planning: my plane from last marking period to create a character model is so off rails by this point its spiralling but i think i can save it lately Ive been obsessing over art works of humans augmented with weapons like a cyborg with a sword hand i find it very fascinating and this is what i want to create a human with a sw...

Box modeling

Wensday started box modeling Thursday continued box modeling Friday realized I can't box model                          Box Modeling box modeling is a very common form of digital modeling in witch you go through different steps to reach a final stage in witch contains your desired results for the original model. Stag one the box: The box stage like stated is were we start with a simple box set up a possible background image and possibility is endless as this is such a primitive shap and so easy to mold. Side note: the box stage dose not only have to be done with a box but is possible to use multiple shapes to start for this stage but be aware we only want one object Stag two roughing it out: once you start to rough out what you want to model to gernerally be shaped like extrud scale loop cut and slid can all be very handy for this and will be very use full too...