Box modeling

Wensday started box modeling
Thursday continued box modeling
Friday realized I can't box model

                         Box Modeling
box modeling is a very common form of digital modeling in witch you go through different steps to reach a final stage in witch contains your desired results for the original model.

Stag one the box:
The box stage like stated is were we start with a simple box set up a possible background image and possibility is endless as this is such a primitive shap and so easy to mold.
Side note: the box stage dose not only have to be done with a box but is possible to use multiple shapes to start for this stage but be aware we only want one object

Stag two roughing it out: once you start to rough out what you want to model to gernerally be shaped like extrud scale loop cut and slid can all be very handy for this and will be very use full tools in the long run this is one of the most bital steps as it will make you characters base model almost

Stag 3 detail: during this stage use the tools discussed in the last stage as well as knife tool and a few other to make your model deatiled eyes ears horns mouth nose all the small details of the model you want to be put on should be added in this stage after this your model should be done and that should be the conclusion of your project.


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