end of the marking period 2nd blog post


Tuseday: worked on life sword hilt
Wensay noticed patah staff was broken worked on patah staff
Thursday: worked on patah staff using miorro mod ifier to fix it
Friday stared dull blade

The 2nd Marking Period

Rajin shield 

 I started this marking period with my flash drive breaking so I lost a lot of data but gained the revaluation that i was spending to much time on one project and warped it up quickly this was my rajin project witch through this failure i gained another theme witch is weapons witch would help me delve more into the art and technology aspect of my wok and increase production of it as well. But with this being my first fully completed project I am very happy with it and hope to complete another one soon. one lesson I learned and difficulty I had was typology it matters a lot I was hung up for weeks until I lost the original model and did a shield but even in current projects it still seems to be a present a project and I must learn to pay attention to typology while I make my models as well.

Patah Staff

 My next project was a staff of an ancient Egyptian god Patah the god of creativity. This was inspired by the fact I was having a lack of creativity at the time this staff took awhile because it included so many different parts. But in the end they all came together and made the staff or so I thought until recently I had thought it done but learned that half of the head was missing. This was a major difficulty and challenge but after thinking on it if I thought if I delete one half of this staff the half without the head and add a mirror modifier I could then have everything alright but I still had to fix the typology of this model I am working on this staff as I work on my current project witch in the end will be a dull sword with a hilt witch is a piece I copied and exported to this project. The major lesson I learned form this project is look over everything every detail must be fine tuned if it is to be good enough.

 Life Sword

 The life sword project is an interesting concept its hilt is in the Egyptian symbol for life witch the god Ra is usually seen carrying. The interest in this is to think can you really save lives by killing its to make people think by taking one life to save millions are you giving life or taking it and  a basic moral question all for one or one for all because at times these two morals can not co exist. My inspiration came to me for this is when I was playing a video game and I killed some one to save a family. I thought would I do this in real life take one persons life to save more take something there is no giving back from them forever if I was faced with this in real life. Its to make people see is it good or bad there is no black and white area any more the human race is far beyond that there are grays greens and reds. in order to make the hilt I took a piece of my Patah staff and modified it this will come out to be a dull used blade in the end. This one of the difficulty I have already faced with making this sword is getting the blade to look like a blade but not just a deformed cylinder on a hilt I'm still resolving this problem but I feel as if I extruded the base a little and shrink it it may help me gain the form I need for this project and that is the main challenge the form.

 In Conclusion

This marking period I feel my production has been better but I feel I can go a little faster and I always want to push myself to make an extra stride because it means a lot that I get enough done within the time I have. Along they way I learned and faced typology half of my projects head disapersing and the form of a blade but I feel I can or have dealt with these thing and as I move into next marking periods will be even more successful.


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