
Monday:printed staff
Tuesday printed another staff less successful
Wednesday:tried fixing staff more
Thursday taught Kayla how to use printer
Friday worked on staff more might have gotten it to work

Image result for ra RA

Image result for raRa is the Egyptian god of the sun and life the Egyptians believed that man was made from Ra's sweat and tears Ra was worship majorly during the 5th dynasty and was deemed a major god Ra is associated with the hawk and the eagle and is depicted as having a hawk head Ra has know to during the 25th dynasty with the god Horus forming Ra-Horakhty or Ra,who is Horus of the two horizons this form of Ra and Horus is supposed to be powerful enough to control the sky earth and underworld. Ra had many cults under him the most popular is the cattle of Ra witch brought about the belief of the celestial cow. i will be making a charm out of the Ra symbol for life.
Image result for celestial cowImage result for ra-horakhty


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