egyptian symbols

Egyptian symbols
 The Egyptians used hieroglyphs as a way of writing and we still find them today preserved trough thousand of years later in pyramids these hieroglyphs had different meanings i will be taking these hieroglyphs with there meaning and put it on a sculpture in the shape of a hieroglyph of Isis the goddess of love this will probably end up being a gift but this will go along with the staff of ptah i will be making ptah is the god of creativity and art in Egypt i will use many symbols on this including the one for fire(to the left) the eye of Horus (below) witch represents knowledge and wisdom the sign for water the sign for love and death.
Work log
Monday: worked on printing hand when got back to school next day faild
Tuseday: print faild went over everything it was just tape came back next day sucsesssssssssss!!!!!!!!!
wensday: worked on raijin can finally put full ation on him sucsessfully removed wings
Thursday : worked on raijin put chaacter into correct file need to learn armaturs
Friday turned in blog post working on armatures so confused


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