• crane down can drop u into the caracter setting
  • crane up gives u the feeling of how big the obstical is compared to the charecter
  • high to low angel can make the charecter seem strong read to overcome a challeng
  • hand held is used for danger or uneasyness to help us conve that
  • qick pan can show a object or another charecter to help change the emotion of the sceen
  • push in will be a surprise emotion 
  • slow dolly in will help devolep a shared connection were we feel uncomfertable or share the emotion with the charecter
  • slow dolly out this can make the charecter feel lost and the viwers too
  • dolly acrosss this can be used to convey tthe emotions between charecters or charecters and an object and the direction across can efect emotion too
  • gliud cam more of a smoother feel of emotion 
  • gluid cam 360 can be more edgy and gives the feeling of something is comeing
  • zolly zoom+dolly overwheelming feeling


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