- crane down can drop u into the caracter setting
- crane up gives u the feeling of how big the obstical is compared to the charecter
- high to low angel can make the charecter seem strong read to overcome a challeng
- hand held is used for danger or uneasyness to help us conve that
- qick pan can show a object or another charecter to help change the emotion of the sceen
- push in will be a surprise emotion
- slow dolly in will help devolep a shared connection were we feel uncomfertable or share the emotion with the charecter
- slow dolly out this can make the charecter feel lost and the viwers too
- dolly acrosss this can be used to convey tthe emotions between charecters or charecters and an object and the direction across can efect emotion too
- gliud cam more of a smoother feel of emotion
- gluid cam 360 can be more edgy and gives the feeling of something is comeing
- zolly zoom+dolly overwheelming feeling
the nordic alphabet
monday: printed die Tuesday: collected back round image and started to work on Nordic alphabet A-e started recording Wednesday: helped shrink wrap then got through I and some additional second recording Thursday: almost done only 2 or 3 more the chart to the left is what I used for the model's templates this project will slowly become bigger. In addition to this, it also explatoins the meaning of each symbol by knowing this I can form old spells or what they would believe would engrave magic energy the final product I will be working toward will be bracelet beads with engraved runes for protection as well as some dice engraved with these runes and many other things. So by already having them created, I can benefit and maintain focus on my models the engraving of them will be simpiler because the models for cutting will already be done. My inspirations for this project were the runes from Skyrim and other fantasy games al...
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