worklog Monday thru wensday: worked on typology tried shortcuts didn't work had to do it the hard way did this for 3 days Thursday worked on armatures failed at that deleted them read up on how to properly do them Friday worked on armatures have the structure layed out just need to assign vertex groups Armatures Armatures are very useful armatures are used for rigging models for animations as well as well as posing models for images and prints most professional animators use armature i will being using them to help pose my raijin model how i want him to be with his arms folded and sitting cross legged by learning armatures no this will help me improve my later models for quicker posing time maybe even come back and pose some models differently for a reprint in a different form. i learn this because I'm torn between to poses i want to do on my rajin model it'd be quicker to have his arms folded and his legs crossed but it'd be nicer for ...