
Showing posts from November, 2017


worklog Monday thru wensday: worked on typology tried shortcuts didn't work had to do it the hard way did this for 3 days Thursday worked on armatures failed at that deleted them read up on how to properly do them Friday worked on armatures have the structure layed out just need to assign vertex groups Armatures   Armatures are very useful armatures are used for rigging models for animations as well as well as posing models for images and prints most professional animators use armature i will being using them to help pose my raijin model how i want him to be with his arms folded and sitting cross legged by learning armatures no this will help me improve my later models for quicker posing time maybe even come back and pose some models differently for a reprint in a different form.   i learn this because I'm torn between to poses i want to do on my rajin model it'd be quicker to have his arms folded and his  legs crossed but it'd be nicer for ...

egyptian symbols

Egyptian symbols  The Egyptians used hieroglyphs as a way of writing and we still find them today preserved trough thousand of years later in pyramids these hieroglyphs had different meanings i will be taking these hieroglyphs with there meaning and put it on a sculpture in the shape of a hieroglyph of Isis the goddess of love this will probably end up being a gift but this will go along with the staff of ptah i will be making ptah is the god of creativity and art in Egypt i will use many symbols on this including the one for fire(to the left) the eye of Horus (below) witch represents knowledge and wisdom the sign for water the sign for love and death. Work log Monday: worked on printing hand when got back to school next day faild Tuseday: print faild went over everything it was just tape came back next day sucsesssssssssss!!!!!!!!! wensday: worked on raijin can finally put full ation on him sucsessfully removed wings Thursday : worked on raijin put chaacte...

End of marking periode 1

End of the marking period review After seeing my peers and looking through there work i see I'm not very far behind but I'm not were i would like to be i would have like to have 3D printed out my hand by now and have my raijin model ready to print i also feel that the film groups are working very hard i feel i could have focused more but Monday i will be 3D printing my hand i also feel my models are not as good as they could be i feel i should put a little more effort in to them for compared to Andrews they are lower quality models and i could stand to go over some basics in order to clean up my models a little more so through this year another goal I'm going to set is to clean up my models and work a little faster. work log Monday through Thursday : marking period post friday: finally set up hand settings ready to print