
Showing posts from April, 2019

summery reflection

Monday-Tuesday  : presentations Wensday: dice Thursday: more dice all the dice Friday:dice this that background imgaes and text dice David Davids work is focused and organized as well as he makes sure to keep his ideas realistic and on point he doesn't try for something he can't do his drawings are well made and he is devoted to his work. he has inspired me to try and be more committed to my work and trying to take time and organize my project's. David has been expanding his horizons and uses his time to learn anything he can about his new program his capability to learn and unwavering courage to ask questions i find to be a good role model for not being afraid to ask questions he teaches me no questions are stupid. Keaton Keaton is odiously one of the best in our class his consent up keep in the class room while being able to do a big project in a matter of days is outstanding he continues to inspire me to push harder and always offer support. his work is skill...