
Showing posts from March, 2018


Marking period 3 This marking period i treied alot of diffrent things and lerned i need to re learn some things. One of these things are hard surface modeling if i ever wish to make the animations i wish to make i need to be abel to make weapons and such. One of the many challenges i have over come this marking period was fixing my Ptah staff from last marking period. This was fixed when i found a wierd second layer on the inside of the staff after deleting this it was fixed. something new that i learned was that paying close attion to verticys is important along with bezier curves are almost always useful. i learned to watch my vertices from my patah staff and the bezier from the multipel charms i made this marking period (all work will be displayed below). something im trying to relearn right now is hard serface modeling this will help me make better weapons and make things  run smother next year when i start to animate. ive also started work on a character model and a lit...


worklog Monday:Idea searching Tuesday:Sick Wensday cookie animation Thursday cookie animation friday Cookie animation Demonology part 1 The first demon protruded from the man born from the holy wachter and the women of men they extured from this osperings soul never rest they never eat nor drink yet always thirst and hungar for havaoc and chaos. they reap sorrow and cause mischief and shall be smighted by the holy watcher these are demons. this demonolgy view is the christain view on demonology witch are born from nephlim the ofspring of a human and angel they are also larger then an avarge human example of one in the bibel would be golith in the bibel story david and golith when nephlim souls turn twisted and evil this is a demon.


Worklog monday: stared a new charm silver sign Tuseday: countinued work on the silver charm Wensday finishing touches on silver charm Thursday finally finish silver charm Friday pep ralley Baal Baal is the demon over lord of the east from demonology also know as the king of hell and or the the First king of hell. Baal was widely feared and was said to rule over 85 different legions of demons. rides a war horse and he is dipicted in  girmoires. he is offen dipected with many heads or legs and a crown.


Monday: worked on molly charm Tuesday : Charm work  beziea Wednesday : extruded charm Thursday: worked on more tracing Friday :  worked on charm Ziminiar Ziminiar is the 4 demon lord of the north in demonology and is in control of king Solomon's 72 demons. The other Three demon kings are Amaymon (east) Corson (West), and Gaap (South).