
Showing posts from September, 2017
monday : worked on 3d model tuseday : worked on model more Wensday : established work blog worked on model researched thursday worked on model of raijin friday: worked on model more


Raijin Raijin is the Shinto god of the 8 thunders rain and lightning Raijin is very important it is believed that crops struck by lightning will hold a bountiful harvest.(below Raijin-left is fighting Fuijin-right) Raijin and his brother are well know to fight each other to see who is the true ruler of the sky Raijin is always with his ring of 8 drums to make thunder and hammers to bang the drums Raijin is found in many art works and depicted slightly different in some he is depicted with a pot belly some as very muscular but always with his drums and hammers also usually riding a cloud and of course in a demonic body with horns and claws but the skin tone takes many colors as well Raijin can be found to have 3 fingers on his hands and feet to represent past present and future.(To the right is Raijin resting on a cloud watching humans.) I will model Raijin and set him on a kirigami back round i will make depicting rain clouds and he will be the center piece th...

3D printing and frist project

3D printing 3D printing is used for many purposes such as architecture engineering medical and art. i will use 3d printing to create robotic forms that resemble humans in a sort of larger then life scale and to help create the effect of this scale i will use sculptures for my first project i will be printing a robotic hand low poly and then will have it go over my sculpture spiral city to create a sort of crushing effect this will show technology crashing and destroying human society. this will be a recurring theme in my work because i use electronics to coop emotionally and i know its unhealthy and to show this i will also be using religions such as Buddhism, Nordic, Greek, roman, and Christianity to show this and to create the effect of a society not only upheld but lead and created by technology. Using sculpture to represent humanity and 3D printing for technology.

Shepard fairey

 Shepard Fairey is a big name in street art he is most famous for his obey art and clothesline which is merely a joke to show how repetition can make something seem appealing he is very expressive with his art and uses it for many different aspects from political views, jokes, and fun his work with text and image is mostly psychological  fun or political views he is also well know for his Obama picture saying hope. The story behind the clothesline was to cause a phenomenon its purpose was so you could she the psychological effects of it some it maybe paranoid of an underground cult some tore them down as eye sores and vandalism and others well they got used to it it adapted into culture and then people wanted the stickers as a momentum a keepsake and comfort it turned into a clothing lining taking it a step further in the cultural direction.The Obama hope picture actually got him into a lawsuit for copy right because the photo of Obama it was made from was not his even so t...

Shahzia Sikander

Shahzia Sikander is a very interesting artist her work uses a lot of layering and her use of it is exceptional she knows how to combine shapes and colors. one of her most famous works is the last post featured on art21 they review this and it shows a exceptional amount of layering. She use this tactic a lot in her work and it gives life to her work an example of this is the second picture (right below) this is a self portrait she made of herself and the layering in this piece is the parts of her face behind the yellow i like this example because it shows a kind of spill like effect on the page. A little about Shahzia is she went to rode island school of design and national college of art she currently lives in New York and her work in on display in San Francisco museum of modern art. Some other works of hers are Fleshy weapons , Plush blush, and Maligned monsters. she was born in 1969 Lahore Pakistan. She keeps her culture in her art often and her art is well know. Contemporary ...
Feng Mengbo is a video game artist of sorts he projects his art of pixelated video game like images on walls giving the real world the appearance of a game. this shows hybridity by crossing the real world and pixels in one Feng dose this by taking images of his self in poses fighting and putting them into his games. he has a very unique style and he dose a lot his works were featured at bejjins today art museum. His most well know work is the long march: restart this is about the red army and Communism showing his views on this through his art this is risky at times for he could be targeted for it but he dose it to truly express his meaning. his display of humans in games is used well showing hybridity by combining the real and digital world it makes u feel more immersed into the art. ways i can use hybridity in my work is by having humans and technology side by side showing the difference also gods made of computer parts creating humans like machines. Feng Mengbo comes u...