
Showing posts from August, 2017
The themes i will be choosing for my art is art and technology as well as religion for gods of any religion. This is important to show how not only art is becoming more digital but so is the world and how rely on technology more then gods in this day and age technology is almost every were with the invention of the 3D printer but in my art i would like to reflect this that technology is taking over. gods i will show this by showing more robotized gods showing how we slowly worship computers  more then we do gods i will combine old art and new art to show how we as humans have changed our art and our ways to make things easier and less creative at times then they originally were and since the technology is taking over i shall be using sculpting in my art along with 3D prints some inspirations for this idea is what i observe every day is when i see fellow students on there phones and caught myself on my phone a lot and it makes me realized if everything crashed wed all be screwed so ...